Beach Policies
This is not an exhaustive list. This is merely a guide to common rules. Please see your lifeguard if you have any questions. Following these rules helps keep the beach a pleasant and safe place for everyone.
Beach Tags are required (age 12 and above) on all beaches during guarded hours. Lifeguards do not sell beach tags. Please see a beach tag employee at any entrance or beach tag stand.
Restrooms are located at Trenton Beach, Ramp #6, Philadelphia Beach, Ramp #7, Surfing Beach, Ramp #14, Mogck Beach, Ramp #23, Broadway Beach, Ramp #25, and 2nd Avenue Beach, Ramp #27.
Pets are not permitted on the beach, with the exception of verifiable service animals.
For a map of our
Comfort Stations
Click Here
In The Water
Bathing and swimming are to be done at the location and depth decided by lifeguards. Generally, this is not past chest-deep water. The area may be marked by flags. Understand conditions change quickly. Do not attempt to swim in conditions beyond your ability.
Distance Swimming may be done by competent swimmers after checking in with your nearest lifeguard stand.
Skim Boarding is allowed at the discretion of lifeguards.
Fishing is only permitted along the one-quarter mile stretch east of the Brooklyn Ave. storm pipe. This is an unguarded beach where surfing also is permitted. FISHING IS PROHIBITED AT EVERY OTHER BEACH DURING GUARDED HOURS.
Surfing is only permitted at the end of certain beaches, Poverty Beach (Wilmington Avenue) and The Cove. Additionally, it is permitted at Surfing Beach (Gurney Street) and South Queen (Queen Street).
Kayaking may be done outside the bathing zone. Kayaks may only be launched East of Poverty Beach (Wilmington Avenue) and West of The Cove stand. Life jackets must be onboard, preferably worn.
On The Beach
All Holes Must not be dug past the waist level on the shortest person around the hole. They must be filled in before leaving.
Rough Sports are not permitted.
Beach Wheelchairs may be borrowed from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm daily. First come, first serve only. Do not take the chairs into the water. Chairs are not to be removed from the beach under any circumstance. You will be financially responsible for any damage or loss done to chairs while under your use.
Life Guards Cones allow for a sufficient area of operations, meaning NO ONE is allowed to set up or occupy the area created around the stands with these cones.
Clean Up after yourself. Lifeguards are here to keep you safe!
Jetties are not to be climbed or walked upon.
Have any questions, visit our FAQs page.